Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Religious Teachers in the Army as Junior Commissioned Officer for RRT 77,78 & 79 course

indian Army published notification for recruitment for Religious Teachers in the Army as Junior Commissioned Officer for RRT 77,78 & 79 course. View more details about this recruitment e. g. age limit, qualification, how to apply, selection procedure and application form as under. You / Download can view official advertisement for the above said post by following link.

Total No of Posts: 73

Names of the Posts: Religious Teacher
Age Limit: 27 to 34 Years 
General Educational Qualification: Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university.
Educational Qualifications:
  • Pandit: Candidates with Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit/Hindi as one the elective(main) subjects but have not done Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi. 
  • Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regts: Hindu (Gorkha) candidates with Madhyama in Sanskrit. (OR) Bhushan in Hindi or equivalent standard in the Nepali Language. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Sanskrit/Hindi as one of the elective(main) subjects but have not done Madhyama in Sanskrit or Bhushan in Hindi. 
  • Granthi: Candidates with Vidwan in Punjabi or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Punjabi as one of the elective (main) subjects, but have not done Vidwan in Punjabi. 
  • Maulvi: Candidates with Maulvi Alim in Arabic, Adib Alim in Urdu or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Arabic / Urdu as one of the elective (Main) subjects but who have not done Maulvi Alim in Arabic / Adib Alim in Urdu. 
  • Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts: Shia Ladakhai Personnel candidates with Maulvi Alim in Arabic, Adib Alim in Urdu or equivalent standard in the regional language concerned. (OR) Those who have passed BA with Arabic / Urdu as one of the elective (Main) subjects but who have not done Maulvi Alim in Arabic / Adib Alim in Urdu. 
  • Padre: Candidates who have been ordained priesthood by the approproate ecclesiastical authority and is still on the approved list of the local Bishop. 
  • Bodh Monk: Candidates who have been ordained Monk/ Budhist Priest by the appropriate authority. The term 'Appropriate Authority' will mean Head Priest of the Monastery where the person has been initiated into Priesthood. The Head Priest should be in possession of Geshe(Ph.D) of Khanpa or Lopon or Rabjam with proper certificate from Monastery.
Physical Standards: Height - 160 cm; Weight - 50 Kg.; Chest -77 cm.; Physical Fitness Tests (PFT) - candidate should be able to run 1600 meter in eight minutes.
Procedure of Selection
  • The recruitment will be carried out through all the HQ Recruiting Zones, IRO Delhi Cantt, Ladakh Scout Regt Centre Leh, JAKLI Regt Centre Srinagar and GRD Kunraghat.
  • Candidates applying for Pandit/ Granthi/ Maulvi/ Padre/ Bodh Monk categories must apply to the concerned HQ Rtg Zone / IRO Delhi Cantt / JAK LI Regtl Trg Centre Srinagar of which the individual is a permanent native / resident.
  • Gorkha candidates applying for Pandit Gorkha category will fwd application to GRD, Kunraghat only.
  • Shia Ladakhi Personnel Candidates applying for Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts will fwd application to Ladakh Scouts Retgl Centre Leh only.
  • Candidates can appear for written exam only from the place of domicile.
  • Application submitted to a different organisation of which the candidate is not domicile of will be rejected.
  • Postal Addresses of all Headquarters Recruiting Zones & concerned Regimental Centres are given at Para 6.
  • Candidates found eligible will be issued call up letters by the concerned office/ recruiting organisation for initial screening which will include checking of original certificates followed by medical examination.
  • The screened candidates will be put through written examination which will be conducted on 01 Mar 2015 and will comprise of two papers as follows :-
  • PAPER I: (Maximum Marks -100). This will contain objective type questions on general awareness and will be common to candidates of all Religious denominations.
  • PAPER II: (Maximum Marks -100). This will contain objective questions on to check the knowledge specific to particular religious denomination to which the candidate belongs.
  • In Paper II candidates are required to secure a minimum of 40 marks out of total 100 marks and come in the merit list to be eligible for appearing in the interview. The number of candidates to be called for interview will be three times the number of vacancies. Only those candidates who come in merit will be interviewed by a board of officers at the nominated Regimental Centre. The interview will be out of 100 marks.
  • Candidates are required to secure minimum 50 out of 100 marks to qualify in the interview.
  • The final selection will be based on merit list drawn on the basis of the total marks obtained in Paper II and Interview.
  • Candidates finally selected will be enrolled as JCO (RT) and will undergo six weeks training at Regimental Centre followed by eleven weeks training at Institute of National Integration, Pune.
  • Rejection can take place at any stage during training also.
Note: Only those candidates who qualify in Paper I by securing a minimum 40 out of 100 marks will be allowed to appear in Paper–II.
Important Date:
  • Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 05/01/2015
  • Date of Examination: 01/03/2015